Goldeneye was a great game at the time, but I'm afraid this one is not classic enough to keep nowadays.
Why: Let's face it, there are some games that can be fun forever, and there are some that were hot in their time and age but are useless now. I'm sad to say that Goldeneye fits in the latter category. It was a great game when it came out, but unlike such titles as Donkey Kong Country (SNES) it lacks the class needed to be a lasting title.
Goldeneye features run of the mill first person shooter levels. Run through, kill the enemies, complete some tasks, and exit. Not very exciting. With the cheats this game can have some fun moments but lack of AI bots in multiplayer can bring it down.
Graphics: 5
Why: I'm not even sure if Mario 64 had this bad of graphics. Definately some titles that existed at the time have this game beat in this category.
Sound: 7
Why: Music is great. Sound effects are ok, but lack of any dialog a definate dissapointment. I'm sure it might not have been considered or even possible at the time this game came out, but it's not a good enough game to keep these days.
Value: 5
Why: Can't think of a reason to keep the game except for the music and some ridiculous AI in the campaign that leaves you laughing.
Reviewer's Tilt: 5
Why: The game is simply not good enough to keep. If you plan on buying it, check the bargain bin. You'll probably enjoy it but in my opinion, it's days are over.