Creative, innovative, exotic and totally ahead of it's time, that's how I would describe this old-school action title.

User Rating: 9.5 | GoldenEye 007 N64
GoldenEye follows the basic principle and controls of a first-person shooter, honed over time and only changing little. But those changes add up, and first-person shoots are now a lot more intricate than this shooter, but does that matter? Not a bit I say. Sure the aiming is off, accuracy takes a back seat to just aiming wildly and jumping and ducking is almost impracticable and seldom what you want it to be, but this game is really quite fun. All those things add age to GoldenEye, but is easily ignored for all the good things.

A warning to people who haven't played older generation games for a while: The graphics are so blurry it almost hurts your eyes, so get used to it before you add difficulty to this game, or you are going to suffer, usually by not seeing the enemy as they kill you. Another cool thing is the actual difficulty, it is always "just right" for your abilities: easy is easy, hard is hard ext. There is no huge gap in difficulty to catch you off guard either which means you can try your favorite missions again and integrate the difficulty smoothly. You can ever customize your own difficulty by lowering or heightening the bad guys heath, armor, accuracy ext.

The cheats are pretty awesome too. You unlock them then can use them before each mission when selecting them. I know, I know, cheating is for wimps right? Well then don't turn on invincibility or invisibility but instead try out the more funny ones, like making the heads huge, shooting paintballs ext. You can even have it just so you start out with your favorite weapons. I mean you don't HAVE to cheat, but sometimes it just adds spice and hilarity to your game-play enjoyment.

GoldenEye is a fantastic choice for shooter fans and Bond fans, it has it all, and is pretty exciting to play even 13 years later.