Well still fun the idea of making it like halo was a bad idea. You can only carry one weapon in each hand, no holding other weapons besides your granades and basic pistol which never runs out of ammo but is very weak. Some of the goldeneye powers are useless, but some are very helpful, like the ability to become bulletproof. The enemy will use cover but it is easy to just dash straight at them firering. They arn't very smart, sometimes they just stand in the middle of a machine trap and wait to be killed. It is not worth fifty dollers, but it is worth picking up after the price comes down a bit, thirty is little more resonable.
Nothing can describe the feeling when you face your first moral decision. An enemy is begging for his life, what do you do, what should you do? You COULD let him live and receive NO reward. Well this is an easy one, pus... Read Full Review
THis game really tryed to pull you in with the goldeneye name attached to it. Now what did this have to do with James Bond? Nothing absolutely nothing. Abysmal is not low enough of a rating. AI is crap they know where... Read Full Review