Terrible game.. TERRIBLE
User Rating: 3.8 | GoldenEye: Rogue Agent GC
Alright, i remember when i first heard of this game coming out i was pretty excited because the original goldeneye was EXCELLENT. So i get this game for christmas like.. what last year or 2 years ago? i dont remember, but at first it was alright then I tried out mulitiplayer and it was horrible, the levels sucked, the game play sucked... the guns were alot better but still it sucked.. and it didnt even have all of the characters as in the 1st golden eye which sucked because JAWS is the man. In all seriousness, this game as a whole.. sucked. Having 007 die is stupid, the missions were stupid and got borring as hell, really fast. I cant even continue writeing this review because this game sucked so bad.