Why...why why why.....EA, you stupid son of a **** do you have to have graphics this bleek, and mediocre. First of all, I fail to conceive that EA was the one who brought us Freedom Fighters, but thats another story in itself. Another thing, if you are going to try and make an interesting 007 game, dont make it about an unknown agent taking revenge on MI6 only because BABY WANTS HIS PURPLE PENIS......AKA he wants to be an agent so bad he is willing to risk going over to the darkside to achieve it. The graphics are laughable, and are barely passable. The sound is downright atrocious. I dont know whats worse, watching the robotic enemies line up, and wait to fire simultaneously, or listen to bland music tracks. Another thing for you fukers to think about is making controlling this "anti-hero" possible. Moving him around and aiming is harder than controlling a German submarine in the 1920's. And for you prickweeds to consider this character to be more interesting and entertaining than the real Bond, you must be smoking that ILL HASH.....Now lets talk about some of the replay value this lackluster game has to offer.....The online mode is as addicticting as watching golf, or flies try to perform oral sex......Its as hard to play or get hooked online as to get into the uninteresting story......Thats another thing this game seriously lacks....story....fuking story man......there is none....complete missions for your crime bosses, and stop other bosses from fukin your master out of sweet deals....oh yea, and somehow you keep getting upgrades from some crackhead doctor in your eye, that apparantely have an effect on how you play the game, but barely come in handy throughout the game.......Oh and another thing for you coksukers over at EA to think about.....having FMV's that really dont make sense, or present interest are really not adding to the replay value of this horrid title.....Finally, the last thing I have to say about this game is that an underdeveloped story, and a seriously unlikeable main character adds up to be one of the biggest disappointments in the history of the 007 franchise. Thank you EA for gracing us with what is probably considered one of the most horrible fuking titles to ever be released in the name of Bond. Oh, and here is food for thought. You might want to sign the 007 gaming rights back over to Rare, because seriously, Goldeneye for the N64 was 1000000x better than this putrid, filthy, piece of worm ridden, horse shict ever to be released.