Completly disapointing but some people can enjoy it

User Rating: 6.4 | GoldenEye: Rogue Agent PS2
If you are a hardcore goldeneye fan and you are expecting so much for this game then lower your standards because somehow 7 years is not enough to make a good sequel The best part of this game is the multiplayer because it is good online but only online because the offline stinks. There are so many weapons and game modes its really good. The campain story is boring and uninvolving because you are fighting evil not good so you dont feel like a bad guy. The death traps are cool the first time but there could have been more variety with them. The EVIL Ai is really dumb and the only thing that it can do is duck behind cover. The duel weilding basically wipes out enemys all of the time but the different combinations are great and the guns other features are good too. Final Thought I think this game could have been alot better if they knew what people want and if they focused more on gameplay than advertising the multiplayer is good and the campaign is okay but all in all you can definitly let this pass easily