See you on the green!
Here's what Austin Light from Gamespot had to say about it:
"Overall, Golf: Tee It Up is a pleasant little game, but there are a few kinks that might frustrate some players. Those with any golfing experience will notice the skewed club recommendations, which always seem to be a bit higher than what you'll want. Furthermore, the ball physics are far from realistic. Balls seem to bounce and roll at random, regardless of terrain. Sometimes a ball will go bouncing into the rough, and other times it will thud to the ground as if it were made of lead; applying backspin doesn't seem to help as much as it should, either. "
I hesitated to buy it because of that review but now I'm really glad I did. I haven't seen ANY of the kinks he's talking about. He must be pool player?
If you like golf and like to play online, it's a must.