The experience of "playing" Gone Home is much more akin to walking through a gallery of paintings or watching a film than it is to playing a game. While it does have a modicum of interactivity, it doesn't rise much above viewing "The Flowers of Robert Mapplethorpe" on a Philips CD-i, being both pretty and pretty pointless if your original objective was to play a game. While there are some meaningful choice-based discoveries to be made early on, they are attenuated in favor of a linear albeit well done narrative the deeper you go into the story. For something to qualify as a game, any kind of game, there has to be at least a modicum of competitive tension. There is absolutely none here. I am inclined to attribute the huge delta between the scores this program has garnered from professional critics and what it's getting from the gaming public to the superior savoir vivre of (most) critics. Giving this game a low score would be akin to saying you don't like Mapplethorpe - how gauche.
I had high hopes for this game after reading the glowing review on Gamespot, and seeing similar high reviews on other gaming sites. And even during the process of writing this comment about Gone Home, I can't say that I ... Read Full Review
I can only say this game would only appeal to a single genre player. That player would have to be a adolescent teenager that is realizing that they are gay or has a sibling that is. I'm not being hateful by saying this. ... Read Full Review