WTF moments version 2.0
User Rating: 3.5 | Goosebumps: Attack of the Mutant PC
Okay, now who in the hell hasn't ever read a goosebumps book? If anybody who reads this hasn't P.m. me and I will go into shock, In any case, the first thing one notices about this game is that it is wierd, VERY wierd. Now, sadly, my dissk broke and I never finished the game, but that won't stop me from writing this review. Now then, the first thing that you notice is that the game is very different from the book of the same name, A ton of characters not in the book appear, such as hockey playing penguins (wtf? I never encountererd them in the game, but I believe that there is a picture of one both on the cover and in the manual) and such. Now then, basic idea of how wierd it is? okay, well, you start by seeing this really bizarre scene (it's supposed to be some heroes heading off to do something, I haven't played this game in a long time) so, your character wakes up on a buss and the driver tells him to get off, so you walk in front of this creepy mansion and head in (your guy isn't too bright is he? you would think that the bats and the sudden darkening of the sky would clue him in but noooooo) So you head in and there is this wierd reception desk (it's kind of like the lobby to a buisness) and this girl from the earlier heroes scene showes up and talks to you, and then both of you hear a sound, she says it might be the mutant and to hide, then she disappears, so you go into an elevator (if you go to long with out doing so the mutant, some guy in a purple mask, pops out from behind the desk and starts punching you) and go to a different floor, and you hear rustling, look up and OH ****! a large purple bug thing comes out from the pannel in the elevator ceiling and starts chasing you around the floor, so you go into a room and grab a hammer, oh, by the way, the gameplay is like an fps, but if I remember, Item selection is similar to those stupid pajama sam games, but you equipt it, not do wierd stuff with it. So you take the hammer and throw it at the bug thing, which blows up in to a bunch of tiny ones which scurry away. This isn't the last you see of it, later, it shows up in a room with a printing press, where you have to activvate the press, herd the thing over to a spring (I think you use a garden hoe) and it bounces up, and get's squashed, but anyways, back to when you beat the thing for the first time, so you walk around the halls, and I pretty much open up doors at random, now, either of two events could happen first, so it's hard to say, but If I remember, only one takes you further, so first the useless one, you go into a greenhouse (this is where you get the garden hoe, so maybe it isn't so useless after all) and this green guy coverd in leaves pops out and starts throwing leafy grenades at you, so what do you do? do you brain him with the hoe? no, too realistic, so you go to the door outside and open it, and a swarm of bees comes, smiles, says "thank you" (I think) and then chase the green guy away. OOOOkay, now, moving on to the other place you can wind up, so you enter a door and from behind it, a guy looking like a cross between Mr. T, Michael Jackson, and Inspecter Gadget (he is pale, creepy, has a mowhawk, and his fingers end in pencils, corkscrews and erasers) who then proceeds to erase the door (wtf?) so then he draws "snowsand" Under you, and starts talking about how it makes you sink faster than quicksand, then he disappears, so, how do you get out, do you a: just pull yourself over the edge or b: grab the tail of a small rat scurrying around and have it pull you out? Well, If you said a, then you have great logic skills, unfortunately, the designers apparently went "**** logic! let's make a weird game with almost no logic at all!" so b is the correct answer, so it must be a really strong rat, so then, how do you get out? Mr. Michael Gadget erased the door, so you crawl out through the air duct, where it is easy to die (I forget how) anyways, you eventually get out and do other stuff, I can't quite remember what, I never got much further, I should get this game again off ebay and give it another go, for the heck of it, you should try it because it's interesting to say the least, and then you can sell it on ebay and hopefully make a profit. It's worth a try, but don't spend to much on this game, Maybe I should send this one to the angry video game nerd. Please p.m. me any comments you have about this and whether or not I should continue with the "WTF moments".