one of the best games i have played. great action. great custom. you must buy this game
this is definately one of the best of those type of games. just as pokemon or megaman. this is an awsome game.
this is also a good multiplayer games. also seeing as how many charcters there are and all the different variations. although 4 player on this game is a bit nuts because of all the action.
(unless if thats only me as my tv is a 14'' :p ) but to play this game, multiplayer, with all players having a well balanced well customized team would be an excellent match.
sevral other games remind me of this such as megaman ds, super smash bros melee, and ov course pokemon.
just to qwickley stray away from the subject, if you liked this game then you may also enjoy super smash brothers on the gamecube, and next on the wii which i cant wait for.
gotcha force is definatley a great game. dnt knoe why gamespot is making fun of it. lol. with all the good comment that have been made, dont they feel silly.