After the release of many rpgs with no depth, it is refreshing to play a true rpg, with many choices n familiar feeling.

User Rating: 8.8 | Gothic 3 PC
Following the footsteps of its two great ancestors, but with new features, gothic 3 offers a great experience of rp-gaming.The main plot is quite open-ended.You can be a rebel as in the first game, or follow the path of the chosen one as in the second.Unfortunately,because of this "open-endness" the plot loses focus.But the game makes up for it with the hundred sub-quest and the fact that you can choose sides in the game.There are four factions for you to join(orcs vs human,nomads vs hassishi ,their interest conflict, so you must choose between them).The world is full of details, the monsters look great.If you want to see the 100% of the game, its going to take more than a 100 hours, and the game doesn't become boring.It may require for you to be a die-hard fan though.The music helps a lot in that part.
But a well made world for you to engorge in is worthless, if the combat system sucks.Personally i liked the combat in Gothic 2 much more, but after the latest patch it is satisfying.It is mainly like in an action game,lock on target, move to dodge attacks and strike when the enemy is open.It is certainly more complicated than in oblivion, but you cannot be as strategic as in gothic 2.
The graphics are great, especially the way the horizon looks.But here comes the great problem of the game, irrational requirements. It is a pity that Piranha Bytes has so few programmers.They didn't have the time to make the game machine smooth for the release of the game,so we must be understanding to the problems of small developers.And this is the same reason for the second problem of the game,bugs in the quests.They damage the experience of the game, to the point someone might just quit playing.
Fortunately the latest patch(1.12) seems to fix a lot, so give it a try.If it weren't for these two problems the game would have been a masterpiece.