Gothic 2 has a way with the game not only makeing a whole new land and clans for the new game but at the same time takeing the old things from Gothic 1 and useing them in the game but not as other games do Gothic 2 put the whole land mass towns and everything in as part of Gothic 2 just later on in time "dead citys and wars" so playing and beating Gothic 1 would be a great idea befor playing Gothic 2 and when Gothic 3 comes out i will Deff pick it up i hope it uses the same concept that they used for Gothic 2 with Gothic 3 i love the game because thare is sutch a wide diss. of things to do wansent a bit of a let down for me i loved it played it a lot even after i beat it i played and beat it 3 times "merc. mage and the other ones" i cant rember its been a while saince i played but for noobs i recomend go to the merconarys for ur first clan thanx and go get um game it on! -Shane-
Here is a quick history lesson for everyone who is new to the series: Back in 2001, a German company called Piranha Bytes released the first title in the series adequately named "Gothic". While not a perfect game, Gothic... Read Full Review
The things that get critiziced the most here are the control scheme and the trial-and-error system. Now, I don't have anything against easy games, don't get me wrong. But this game takes a realistic approach to RPG. R... Read Full Review