Great game with large environment full of mediaeval landmarks, and pleasant character to play with.
The main character has excellent attributes. It interacts with various people in the game, and makes you feel in total control of its behavior and actions. The person can bake its food, rest, sit, scratch his chin, makes its own weapon. The story is amazing, because it all actions are concentrated on breaking the barrier and frees the prison colony. The game has unique landscape, which allows the player to access almost any location in the game. There are many people to interact and reasonable quests.
The game has many bugs and glitches that could be overcome in cheat mode. The ending is little disappointing. The final battle is extremely easy, and there was no bonus or task to kill the most hated person in the colony, Gomez, which makes you feel cheated. The Gothic is astonishingly well designed game with great story and worth of any RPG players’ time.