You will be rich, don't worry!
When I started to play, I hated that game, because it was really hard to kill any creature and also hard to gain experience. However, if you use your skill points wisely, after four-five levels, game will be miraculously fascinating.
I have some suggestions. At the beginning of the game, it is good for you to decide what kind of weapon you will use in the game. If you want to be an archer, you have to use your skill points mostly for dexterity. I played as a swordsman, and used my points mostly for strength. It is wise to use skill points for both of them equally, but game does not allow you to gain much. On the other hand, do not waste them with pickpocketing, sneaking and level 2 open locks. Also in my opinion, acrobatics is also unnecessary (I did that mistake).
And finally, you will always need some extra skill points on the hand, do not waste them. Believe me, you won't want to run from nowhere to nowhere to kill some creatures for experience. You cannot enjoy with that.