i'm pretty sure the only thing microsoft wants to GRAB is there 370,000,000 dollars they gave to rare

User Rating: 5.5 | Grabbed by the Ghoulies XBOX
ALRIGHT KIDS TIME FOR A HISTORY LESSON! back in the 90's rareware was one of the most famous 2nd party game developers EVAR! they made such classics such as donkey kong country, goldeneye, banjo kazoie, and conkers bad fur day. but then microsoft saw how great these people were so they bought them from nintendo for a whoping 370,000,000 dollars! this game was already in delvopment for the gamecube, and since the GC used optical dics instead of dvds the game looks kinda, not good. so in this trash fest some boy whos name i can't remeber and his girlfriend are walking though the woods when it gets dark and starts to rain. so the only place to stay is a old mansion. whats that? you say this is going to be a bad rip off of luigi's mansion? well you would be RIGHT! so some pilot wierdo captures your purple haired girlfriend and you have to save her. but when you get into the building it's infested with GHOULIES! now, how do you fight with these GHOULIES you may ask? well with the right anolog stick of course! thats right! THE RIGHT STINKIN ANOLOG STICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i thought that thing was used for the camera. so, ya this is a 3-D beat-em up, but i do like how you get use anything in the room! but they all have a limit to how many times you use it. you use these wepons to fight little devils, mummys, ZOMBIES, spiders, and walking doors (not joshin you they really are walking doors) and you fight these GHOULIES in diffrent rooms of the mansion. but heres my problem. every room is trapped. what i mean is the game sets how many lives you have. one the plus side if you have one heart left and when you go into the next room you'll have like 50. but when you just earned like 80 lives, when you step into the room, YOU HAVE 5 LEFT! also in some rooms the have time limit. if you don't compleat this you get a unfortunate vist from the grim ripper and you have to run away from him befour he KILLZ YOUZ!!!!! this game also has a lot of cameos from other rare games. they go from a xbox copy of banjo tooie to the swordfish from donkey kong country. well the plus side is that now this game is now on xbox "CLASSICS" for xbox live arcade for only 20 bucks our somthin like that so that at least makes it semi passible. this game is good, but not quite, it's like coffie. it's a AQUARED taste. so it is at least worth a buy 4 xbox live arcade. now escuse me while i go mope over why i can't see banjo games on the wii