Grabbed by the Ghoulies starts out very quickly, has a nice and comfortable control scheme, and the first time you play it you will love it, but as soon as you think that the story or rooms (in the mansion) will get more interesting, the game gets really really hard and then it ends. Before I get started, the GS review was dead right, the visuals and sounds of Grabbed by the Ghoulies are amazing. I wish more games looked like this and had the cell shaded art style that works so well. Similar to Luigi's Mansion, Ghoulies has the protagonist roaming around a mansion trying to save someone. The gameplay is different from many games in that you primarily use only the two thumbsticks to control your character. The camera controls are the shoulder buttons, and the A button picks items up, but other than that, you will be thumbing those sticks a whole bunch in this game. The two sticks controls scheme is not bad though, I picked up on it easily and was bashing Ghoulies heads in no time. Cooper (your character) has several different attacks, pretty much one for every direction his body can turn. These attacks are very animated and a hoot to just watch. As you progress through the rooms of the house the butler explains to you that each room has a set of Ghoulies that have to be beaten in a certain way. Like some rooms you will have to only use weapons in, while others you have to only kill certain kinds of Ghoulies. There are about 10-13 different "Room Rules" and they are mixed and matched throughout the house. If you don't follow the rules the Grim reaper shows up the room and chases to down trying to touch you. Sadly, that is about the jist of the ENTIRE game. You acquire a few weapons on the way, like a squirt gun, soda can shooter, etc. but you never stray from the formulaic room setup. Rather than making the game very diverse, Rare chose to make the final 10-15 rooms ungodly hard. It took me only 7.5 hours to beat the game and 4 hours of that were the last 6 rooms. The story book format of the game is very memorable and charming. Also tha lack of voice acting actually helps the characters not become too hokey. Overall, I really enjoyed the game and would recommend it to others, but it would not be the first XBOX game that I would recommend.
Don't listen to the big reviewers for this one. This game is completely underappreciated. In this game you have to rescue your girlfriend and other prisoners from a ghoulie infested mansion. It plays out like an old-scho... Read Full Review
I don't get what people say about this game; I absolutly love this game. This game has a Rare game written all over it. I think most people aree judging a book by its cover. This game is about a boy named Cooper and his ... Read Full Review