Finally, an arcade compilation worth getting!

User Rating: 7.8 | Gradius Portable PSP
The Gradius Collection is, as the name would imply, five seperate Gradius games on a UMD.

This package really succeeds for the following reasons:

Gradius has always been among the best of arcade shoot-em-ups. This game includes FIVE Gradius titles, including Gradius II, Gradius IV and Gradius Gaiden, which many players may not have had previous access to. The games are portable, and yet still look and sound great on PSP's big screen and a pair of decent headphones. The game includes a wealth of tweaking options to affect gameplay, difficulty and screen scaling.

What may turn some people away from this game is the fact that some of these games are quite antiquated by today's standards. Though in particular Gradius Gaiden still looks very impressive, a lot of these other games are old. Also, it goes without saying that Gradius games are exceptionally short, yet challenging... be prepared to get frustrated as you play through each game many times in attempt to get to the end. However, most people who are buying this game (myself included) know what they are getting into. ~_^ The classics were never for the feint of heart, eh?

So, a quick blurb about each of the games:

The NES classic. You've probably played this one already. A tough old bird, but the 8-bit graphics of this game are definently beginning to show their age. It's not the reason I bought the collection or anything, but it is still a great game. It's good to have for completion sake, especially if you've never tried it.

Gradius II
Another 8-bit game. This one is a technically more impressive than Gradius, in both visuals and gameplay. It really is a top-notch game, with plenty of new over-the-top levels. I play this one a fair amount. Definently recommend you give this one a try.

Gradius III
The SNES masterpiece. I'd already played the SNES cart extensively, so I haven't felt the need to play this one on UMD just yet. To be fair, this game is really good, with great music and plenty of challenge. The Weapon Edit mode is a blast to tinker with.

Gradius IV
I wasn't really impressed with this one... it had some quasi-3d effects going, which were impressive and disappointing at the same time. It also feels less like a "true" Gradius game to me. I'm not sure why.

Gradius Gaiden
This is definently reason to snag the package. I'd had almost no exposure to this game (and certainly never played it) before picking up this game. I must say, it is an excellent shooter. The graphics are sharp and clear. The stages are masterful design, and there's four ships to choose from and a Menu Edit mode. It's one of the deepest shmups I've ever played, and there's plenty of nods to the classics too.

The Verdict:

Hey arcade fans... finally, a compilation WORTH getting. If you're a fan of these types of arcade games, you have to pick this up. Great for play in short bursts and packed with challenging gameplay, this package really works on the go. Using the analog stick to control the fighters takes some getting used to, but it's far from impossible.

Some of the more common games you may have played to death already, but the rare Gradius II and Gradius Gaiden bring some new action to the table, if the classics aren't enough to lure you back.

Casual gamers might get into it too... just be warned that these games are tough... even on the easiest settings! ^_^

+All of the games are very playable
+Included 3 titles I'd never played before
+Bargain priced
+Challenging as ever
-The older titles are starting to show their age
-Controlling them on PSP takes some forgiving and getting used to
-All the games are only 1 player