The first PS2 Gran Turismo was a start A classic tradition, the first Gran Turismo for P.S.2. Real visual improovements

User Rating: 7.9 | Gran Turismo 3 A-spec (Platinum) PS2
A classic tradition, the first Gran Turismo for P.S.2. The only truly good looking racing car graphics on the PS2. However, as always it would have been great to make the liscence training not so difficult. That alone can get kinda frustrating. It kinda gets the same after 2 hours. It really is true to the word with saying its the real driving simulator and continues to do so. It is too underated to be for everyone though. Anyone whose under 9 can't be a good street car racer. Some competion in the game is impossible. No one is going to actually spend 2 hours for real racing, only to find losing failure because of tire blow outs, or running out of oil. In this case too real can be bad. The only un-realness is no car damage, but hey that is actually a very good thing to a game player's advantage. However, bad tires can still hose it up, if neglecting the pitstops. Playing the arcade mode, just for arcade seems to be more fun. This one was better, because all it took to unlock tracks in the arcade was completing levels in the arcade to unlock different tracks. ff