One of the Best games released for the Playstation2 ever
This game plays great you are able to drive so cars it is ridiculous the ability to tune these car for real life situations and literaly thousand of tuning options limited Slip dif., toe angle, to much stuff to name. and the many different loactions from japan to the United States but the problems with this game are very minimal one thing the AI is terrible on this game they stay on their line no matter who is there and the game pretty much encourages you to drive poorly but the overall gameplay is tight and realistic
This is the best looking game for the Playstaiton 2 the accuarcy of the car models is almost disturbing how real it is. car models are right on the money accuarate to a T and when you watch the replays you will almost forget that you are watching a video game and the differnt tracks are so well duplicated.
Every car has its own distict sound a 150 HP civic sounds completely different from a 500 HP supercar and if you have and the ambient sounds of other car surrounding you is superb