The best racing game ever

User Rating: 9.8 | Gran Turismo 4 PS2
Back in 2001 when Gran Turismo 3 came out I was very excited and got it the first day. I loved that game more than anything at its time and I put over a hundred hours and finished the game to 99.3%. I was hoping this game was going to do the same thing that Gran Turismo 3 did to me, and it successfully accomplished that. First off, the game looks spectacular, the lighting, shadows from trees on cars, environment just look amazing. The game did a great job on being one of the best looking PS2 games ever. It surpasses everything Gran Turismo 3 did. The racing is very solid and fun and it will once again take over your life for months to come since this game will be a very long one to finish 100%. The game play is as good, if not better than Gran Turismo 3. The AI has been improved but there are some issues, all the AI controlled cars still go on one path, they don’t seem to notice you are there since they bump into you a lot. The cars can be used to your advantage to make turns because you can just crash into them and make a very good turn. The split screen multiplayer is very fun and if you have friends over you can surely have a good time racing with them. There are a lot of cars; I actually think there are too many cars because you always have so many choices on buying cars that sometimes you don’t even know what to get. If online play was present this game would have easily gotten a ten from me. Buying this game is a must if you are a PS2 owner, if you aren’t than you need to get one because this game is ridiculously long and it will be worth every dollar that you have paid for. The game is gorgeous to look at, very fun to play and every race you win, every car you own gives you a feeling that you have worked hard for it and that you deserve it. The game might not be revolutionary but it’s a step up from Gran Turismo 3. This game is truly Major Pwnage.