It's a great game, but it has some flaws.....

User Rating: 8.8 | Gran Turismo 4 PS2
Well after the release of Gran Turismo 3 which was about 4 years ago for the PS2, we get a release of Gran Tursimo 4 for the PS2.. Finally.. No way, are you kidding me man ? They finally released Gran Tursimo 4 after so many delays and the removal of Online play ? Yup, that right, it's Finally here. So lets see how Gran Tursimo 4 fairs up with me and see if it's the best Real Racing sim for the PS2.... The Game play is like any other Gran Tursimo game you played before. You buy a car then race it and get trophies on what place you finish and you win a little money on the side.. Wait I’ll explain it a little better.. Well when you start the game and get everything going you can pick threw 6 different options. Arcade mode, Gran Turismo mode, Replay theater, Options, Save game, & Credits.... You will most-likely be playing threw Gran Turismo mode a lot trying to build up your credits(A.k.a. "Money") to buy new cars and probably tune up some of your old cars or cars that you have.. I'm not saying that the other modes are worthless or anything like that and I’ll explain on what they do a little later on. It's just the Gran Turismo mode will be played more then any of the other modes.. Well back to Gran Turismo mode, You have the availability to choose from a lot of different place's to pick from to start showing off your mad GT4 skills.. Wait !!! Why did you tell me to wait Dias !? Well it wouldn't be a Gran Turismo game if you didn't have to get your license first ! Oh drat this is going to take awhile. Well indeed it will. You have to take a series amount of courses first before you can start to race. If you have played any of the other Gran Turismo games, then you know that some of these challenges can be a little hard at times. Well not at times, most of the time is more like it. They brought back how you have go at top speed and then you have to stop on the blue checkered squares perfect. And if you do you can get one of these three medals. Bronze, Silver, and Gold. All Golds can be obtained if you work hard enough at it, or you are just to good for the game. Well after you get your beginners driver license you can start to race. Wait !! Now what is it ? You get a free car on well you did on your drivers test. Oh damn, I better go get in it then huh ? Well you could but if you did bad on your license chances are you got a bad car that wont help you at all, if you did good like all golds or silvers then you get a pretty good car. But..... No !!! All bronze's and One gold medal won't get you a good car. Well good thing for you, you get 10,000 credits at the beginning of the game.. Well after that you can spend your 10,000 credits on whatever you please. You can get a used car from the used car show to help a lot on your races or you could save it and use the free car you got from the drivers test.. It's really up to you. While playing, you will also have to do certain races with only certain cars, so check what car you need at the page of requirements then go get that type of car. You can also tune certain car up as much as you like threw the tune up shop. When your done tuning the car you want, you can go back and see how your truly new and improved car fairs against the others. The other modes that I forgot to mention were Arcade mode, & Replay Theater.. Arcade mode is just something to play by yourself or with some Friends. This mode will allow you to pick from almost every real auto car makers in the game, so really almost any car is at your disposal... You can pick from Single race which lets you race other computer driven cars and you can set the Computers racing level to, so the race can be hard or just to easy. Now to Replay Theater. This lets you save all your replays that you want to this and it will be stored. So you can go back to whatever replay you want and play it over and over until your hearts content.. There is some really bad screen shake that can appear at times while racing and it really can be annoying... You will be setting there racing and about to take a corner and then you will turn and your screen will shake and you will have to hit pause to get rid of it. To me that really ruined some or should I say a lot of the Game play. Sometimes it would mess me up during a lot of the racing having to hit pause every so often. There is however a new mode called B-Spec, which in some terms can be very useless. It let's you be-able to control or how some people like to put it give out command to your car, and you don't have to be driving it. There is a different mode that is set from whatever gear your in. Like in 2nd gear you can put it as fast, and your car will speed up, and then you can set 3rd gear to overtake, which allows you to pass the other cars while your in that gear. There are many others to choice from, so I’ll leave that up to you to find out about. The Graphics are really something to this game.... They have a nice feel good texture to them while playing this game. The car textures are very well done, they look like they were taking out of the real life and just planted into this game. They are just right on about the car from the grill of the car all the way to the bumper. The tracks look very well done also, It really looks great..Even some trees of mountains in the distance, they look very real.. While racing it just looks so real it's really un-believable that someone made a game this well looking. City racing is one of the well done points of the game. You race in many different city's threw out the game and well you wont be disappointed on how they look. From the windows to the people watching out-side, all of it is very well done. I must say that the graphics are the key point to this game. The Sound to this game is really something of a mix between Classic music and modern day music as we speak. There will be times when you are playing and you will here some new hip-hop music from 00's and then there will be other times where you will be hear music from the 70's. There is also a little bit of rock in there too, but it really doesn't play the rock songs that much to notice.. Overall it could have been a little better. It would be nice to have some kind of changeable music list that you could listen too. Like turn of all Hip-hop and turned on all the rock songs. Now to the other part of the sound the car movements and stops and a bunch of other noises as well. I think they did it right this time. When you skid out, it sounds like that is coming from someone skidding out, out-side your house. That's how well it's done. Just like going around corners really fast you tires like to skid and it sounds very good. At some points where you are going fast enough you can even hear the wind blowing threw you car, and it sounds very cool.. The Value of this game is basically the best thing about it. I have been playing this game for about a couple weeks now and I feel like it's the best Real racing sim out there. The only thing I have a problem with is that they took out Online, which in terms could of been the most funniest Gran Turismo ever and as well as the first to have online. Enough of that thoe. This game will eat up a lot of your time racing threw different courses and different challenges trying to unlock new courses and unlocking some new cars to play with. With much to do in this game, you will not be bored with this game. Heck, the last Real Racing Sim I ever played was Gran Turismo and I hated it and the real racing genre. Well that changed when I had an urge to pick up this game. I love it, it's like I should have been involved with the series from the beginning. I'm clearly not regretting this buy at all.. If you’re a Ps2 owner and your in-tune with the series and or you like the genre then go out and get yourself a copy of this game. If you’re a Ps2 owner and you really aren’t in-tune with the series or genre you should at least rent this game and try it out. I bet you wont regret it either way. It is clearly the best in the series and the Best real racing out for the PS2..