Best graphics seen on the ps2
User Rating: 8.9 | Gran Turismo 4 PS2
You may and may not like this game. For the racer fans who like need for speed will probabaly not enjoy this game but for people who like real-real life car racing games will most defintly enjoy this game. It svery realistic as you can see its grahpcs which are the best i've seen on the ps2. This is the part where fans wont like grand tumisro is that the car speed. You feel like you are going 10 mph. Doesn't even seem like you are going fast. Some people can't stand that and thinks that, that ruins the whole game. The car style in the game are basicly racing cars not really real-life cars. This game can be online if you get PSM magizine they tellyou in an issue of teir magizine. Really confusing and i doubt many people are on it because its so unknown about. They don;t even tell you you can play online ont eh cover or back of the box. For gamers who love realistic games this is defintly the game for you.