Fantastic Four !!!!
The Drive of your life.That's it.And this sentence is fit for all the GTs!
The stylish debut,the second chapter with the extrem lineup of cars and tracks,the third game and the new revolution of the shiny,beautiful visual presentation on PS2...and now the 4th Driving Simulator.
It's a game for every car and street race fanatic.It's a game for the "just-pop-the-hood"-mechanical dudes.It's a game for everyone,who likes the whole world of motorsports...and if you want to try your old beetle's performance at the Times Square,then it's yours too!
The newest Gran Turismo gives all essential things what it needed to be a real and impressive installment.More cars that you can imagine even from the classic hotrods to the futuristic concepts.A hundreds of cars from the past,our present and the future...
Excellent and detailed 3D-automobile collection.
The GT4 isn't a perfect game.Ferrari,Porsche,Lamborghini...some legendary name what still missing from this car-encyclopedie.Not a real problem,but we have to take a word about it.
The game comes with new raceways,city visiting passports,rally tracks and more.GT around the world.From the coasts of Hong Kong to the breathtaking El Capitan mountain scenery...from the Suzuka circuit to the forests of the old Nürburgring...from the elegant Paris to the sunny Tahiti...from the Fuji raceway to Montegi...from Chamonix to the returning great,old classic,High Speed Ring...from the downtown wideroads of Seoul to the pathways of Citta di Aria...from the Swiss alps to the japanese megapolis,Tokyo...from the famous Monaco to the city of the cities,New York...
And many-many-many-many more.Tonns of tarmac,pavement,dirt, one disc.The future is the space-saving,kids!
The GT4 isn't a perfect game.Some of the courses has two,three or more variations,sometimes only with small difference.
But who the hell cares,hah?At least,we can choose a 80's Fuji for a 80's car!C'mon guys!Let's be creative!
The game's general is the same...arcade modes,cups,leagues,races,licenses...but as a new part,there's new things here ideed.Wanna see used cars again?Wanna test yourself behind the pit-director's microphone?Wanna show your photographer-ambitions?Wanna catch human opponents from the internet?The GT is bigger than ever!
The GT4 isn't a perfect game.Where are the qualify sessions from the early-difficult races?The car wash is still there but I still don't know why???I wanna see a paintshop instead for example!...okay,okay!I'll shut myself.Besides,the opportunity of photographing is the best new feature in the game I think.You can spend a lot of time until you find the best place,position,lights,camera angle...and it's just one car!There's still a lot of work to do,don't you think???This tells everything about the graphic,what still superb!
Great light/shadow engine,reflecting and cool new ingame/replay effects...the movement is pure and continuous...with the monumentality of the beautiful courses and extremly-high-detailed cars...
THE ARTWORK OF THE STREET RACING,Guys!!!Without fondness!Honest!Really!
The GT4 isn't a perfect game.There's still some small pop-ups and sprites at the side of the tracks.Not flawless.That's all.
Audio?Music!The GT4's soundtrack list is a simple travel through times and styles (just like the whole game).I like the idea that shows:the Polyphony is thinking for everyone.Opera,Classicals,HipHop,Rock,Heavy,Alternative,Pop,Trance,Techno, listening the Radio GT!
The crowd and the engines are sounds satisfying.Nice work!
The GT4 isn't a perfect game.The brake and slide noise is still the same!!!It's a bit boring,Dammit!
The handling is all GT's own.The game what always trying to put the real car's driving experience into your room.In this side,the GT4 smells harder,but more realistic if we can trust in the japanese programmers (and why not???).I believe them.I like the handling and I can do it.Don't forget: practice makes perfect.
The GT4 isn't perfect.The old camera-system was better!It takes time until we can get used with this new,tight-lock view.
I think I told you all what needed.Absolutely required game for every GT fan and strongly recommended for the rest.It's still not too late to jump into the Gran Turimo world.
Because,you can find nicer,you can find faster,you can find more exciting,and maybe you can find more realistic games (just joking!)...but there's no better.There's no game like this.I feel sorry about the X-box and GC gamers...Guys,your machines are the strongest,there's fantastic games on the Microsoft's and Nintendo's lineup...but without a game like this,You will always missing a piece...
The GT4 isn't perfect...
But there's NO perfect thing in this universe!
Respect for all the making crew!Great work,guys!Keep it up!!!
Thank you!
GRAN TURISMO 4. - Pal/Euro Version.