Best PS2 racer of all time. Not too far from being the perfect racing game.

User Rating: 9 | Gran Turismo 4 PS2
I waited so long to get Gran Turismo 4. I remember it cam out in May or something so I saved some of my Christmas money for it. It was going to be revolutionary, there was no doubt about that, so I got it as soon as it came out and I didn't regret it. The graphics are amazing and the cars look accurate and very nice. There are loads of cars from an amazing range of manufacturers. I was impressed by the racing too, but there are still some flaws in the game that need to be sorted out. GT mode is huge and you have to be amazing to complete the whole game. I've done a fair portion of it. The endurance races are sometimes too long even in B-spec mode. This can be frustrating because you can win some really good cars from the 24hr endurance races and sometimes they just take too long to complete. The weather effects are very good, with dirt being improved and snow being added. The only problems left with the game are the lack of Ferrari, Lamborghini and Porsche from its range of manufacturers. Motorbikes could also be added to make it even better and some more customization of cars a bit like NfS would make it an amazing game. Unfortunately, GT4 doesn't show damage on your cars so that could also be added. Hopefully, GT5 can sort out these issues, but I don't think it'll be released on PS2. Oh well, superb game anyway.