Polyphony Does it again...with sun rays and Reflective trees off car bodies.
Where to start???hmmm... ahh in the ever growning time when 2d was all the rage...3d takes its step towards real life looking graphics in a very good way. GT4 does that with doves flying side to side as it makes an enterance though a door. GT4 has one of the most incredible amount of Cars in stock within the game itself... let me say....even cars i can't even name since there is so much in this game.
Lets just say Racing gets more real.... the sound of the car engines are better than from the previous GT's, Everything just gets better with time especially when Polyphony gets their hands on some of the worlds most amazing cars in the series. This game may bore some people but to others, its like a Hitlist....A hitlist with cars to pick....hmm which one should i purchase and or abuse it in a race...hmmm options. when it comes to modding these beasts..it's not cheap....once you get there...its all fun in the sun(or night stages) wanna stick dirt tires on a 2000 Cobra R...Go for it!!! maybe some snow tires on a R32 Skyline....Why not....maybe anything goes in this game heck you can buy a Model T and have a grand time.
Im just saying that this game has all it needs to be as good as the 3rd installment....some camera angles seem wierd...but once GT5 comes around...think about yourself actually having the car in the garage.