Fun! Only a few problems.

User Rating: 8 | Gran Turismo 5 Prologue PS3
Very fun! its not too easy and not too hard. The only problem I see is that you have to wait a whole year and buy an eighty dollar game(epilogue) to beat it. Other than that it is a fantastic racing game truly awesome graphics and controls on my part. I am not a huge fan of the playstation three though... I had terribly slow loading times, but it was worth the wait. You should definitely get this game even if you are new to racing games. Although its got long loading times and is expensive I think I had fun and got my moneys worth! If someone talks bad about this game they obviously do not know what they are talking about. Its worthy of an eight in my opinion...nothing less and nothing more. Definitely try this game its a very good one to if only ps3 could get they're online right...errr -.-