i was expecting a lot more....
i've spent many many many years playing each on of them over and over again.especialy GT2 and 4. tbh i'm still playing GT4.
i bought a brand new PS3 just to be able to enjoy this "experience" of GT5 as some call it. just the same i did to for GT4.
well... my conclusion is that too many people have forgotten how GT4 was or they just haven't ever played it. simply because GT5 is almost the same. yep it is.
there are some new things indeed. but dont get excited.
first is the graphics. but there's nothing special about them.not much to say. i was expecting much more because its a PS3 game. even the shadows are of poor quality.
and the modeling quality of the cars for some reason isnt the same. the premium cars have very good quality but the "rest" look like they were taken directly from GT4 and trown into this. the difference is noticeable.
and last, the rain effects from the interrior view......just horrible.no more to say.
second is the updated physics. but i was expecting more. much more.
i've been playing it for about 20 hours and the only thing different about them is that now you can maintain the sliding of the car.
you can get out from a spin more easy because of that. but except that i didnt feel any real difference from GT4.
maybe the realy powerfull cars became a bit more unforgiving but for an experienced racer its not much.
the interface,
the interface menus are generaly ugly. fist time i saw them i compared them to previous GTs and said " WHAT AM UGLY MESS!".
but it doesnt realy matter because you wont be spending a lot time in there will ya? but its a bit worth mentioning.
the car collection, and tracks.
over 1000 cars? yeah,its true, but the sum is not from all the different cars.
there are some that have more than one "versions" or "siblings" or "copies" or whatever you like to call them. the truth is that there arent realy 1000 different cars.
i didnt count the different ones but my guess is that the sum will be much lower. probably about 750-800.
wich 100 of them are probably in the game just to grow the sum bigger because they are completely useless in any way. just like in GT4.
but hey, who cares right? its still an impressive overall amount of cars.
also, as mentioned above, the quality of the cars isnt the same for all of them.
only the premium cars have new modeling quality. the rest are almost the same as in GT4.
and i bet that they are indeed the same and the only thing that makes them look better is the overall graphics and higher resolution. what a shame.....
the tracks are good but nothing special again. there are a lot of things missing and generaly the feeling that you're actualy in a racetrack driving in a race isnt there.
city and offroad tracks are ok, but i wouldnt ask for anything more since i generaly dont like them and play them only when necessary. but that's just me.
the hyped features,
first of all, the interrior view.
yeah its impressive and i bet that all of you who were watching all those awesome videos from the interrior view of some cars said "wow at last!".
well the sad truth is that the majority of the cars (like the 80-85%) have no interrior view. only the premium ones.
anyone likes phishing? yeah, you got the point.
second, the track creator.
nothing special realy. you just input some very simple parameters and the game creates the track as it likes. dissapointing.
night racing and weather effects,
same story here. night racing is just like it always was. i dont know if this is good or bad thing for you. its a matter of taste. i was expecting something more "real".
and different weather is only available only for some few tracks and endurance events.but we allready knew that before the release.
again,same story here. the AI is too easy again. just a tiny bit harder and smarter but noticeable only when driving against better cars than yours.
but generaly realy i didnt see any difference. its the same as in the other GT games. you start the race last and in the fist 2 corners you can be in the 2nd or 3rd place. depending on the corner.
all the rest is the same as in GT4/ honestly.
same food,cooked in the same way with the same ingridients and looks and tastes the same.and maybe a tiny bit worse. what's new? just a drop of another sauce wich makes almost no difference.
meaning, a GT4 with better graphics. good thing? bad? your call. my GT days are over.
i would give 9.0 just because its the same as GT4 regarding overall quality.
but i'll give a 7.5 because of the false hype created and the fact that the developers have actualy scamed us selling us the same game.
and that there's no real advancement from GT4. (wich was actualy a big step forward.i gave GT4 a 9.0)
Goodbye Gran Turismo. at least until GT6.