Despite some annoyances, this is the best racing game available.

User Rating: 10 | Gran Turismo 5 PS3
First of all, I am a big fan of GT1, 2, and my favorite (until now) was GT3 A spec. I didn't like GT4 and I have never played prologue. I am playing this game on an 1080p hdtv with a logitech driving force gt. There is too much to cover for this game so I will focus on major pro's and con's.
So, I have been anxiously waiting for this game.After all of the delays, and the typical disappointment of "fans" on the forums, I get my hands on a copy and this game is incredible. It looks amazing on an hdtv despite the awful shadows that are jagged and wrong on both standard and premium cars. Each car has a certain feel and sound to it. A lotus elise is much more difficult for me to drive than say a mercedes sls amg. Standard cars don't look awful but you can easily see a lot of low res spots, especially the wheels. Still, I like driving standard cars just as much as the premium ones. The car list is somewhat varied but there is an obvious focus on asian cars. The track list is awesome and incredibly accurate. I think that they look good too. Driving with a wheel is a great experience and the force feedback feels perfect with this game. GT life is typical of the gt games, money is too easy to make but with so many cars to buy, it balances out. The level system is a bit annoying but it becomes rewarding when you can finally get the car you waited for. In the end, this game earns a 10 from me because it met nearly all of my expectations.
Pro's - Beautiful cars and tracks, authentic driving feel, huge amount of content, top gear test track.

Con's - No porsche's (not PD's fault but the 911 is my favorite and I can't drive anything but standard RUFs), graphical hitches in car shadows and standard cars, and tacked on course editor.