After 5 years, and $60mil I was expecting a darn sight more than this.
A lot's been written about how this game was coming to be the daddy of console racing sims, but in essence it's fallen short. The game seems a lot more dependant on the visuals than any other installment before it, neglecting many other featres as a result. The car selection is, while infinitely large, fairly disappointing. There may be 1000 or more cars in the game, but there are so many of the same model that it's a joke, especially skylines, where there are 40+ of them.
The Biggest problem of all though, beyond any shadow of a doubt is the AI. This is a travesty in racing AI. This is supposed to be the ultimate racing game on the PS3, but instead is a tedious time trial most of the time. Racing them closely is for want of a better word stupid, as they will brake too early, or just drive in to the side of you.
It's a huge shame that a game that has garnered such a huge following since it's inception, is delivered a game that is so subpar in comparison to what was expected and hyped up to be. Would I say this is one of the biggest let downs in gaming history? I'm afraid, as a huge GT fan, that I probably would.