There is an awesome game hidden in GT5. But Polyphony took 5 years to hide it, so you will need persistance to find it.

User Rating: 7.5 | Gran Turismo 5 PS3
For a game that has been postponed for 5 years GT5 is an awful game. Load times are way to long, the menu and interface is confusing, my Shelby 350GT sounds like a lawnmower, my clio Sport V6 can't go around corners without slipping and the lamborghini miura costs 15 mio while a Gullwing only cost 75k. O and some lunatic at Polophony decided to add the Toyota Prius and a Honda Insight to the car list? What kind of PETROL head would possibly want a hybrid in a race game. A Tesla perhaps but a Insight?

Since there are about 1000 cars in the game you can resolve most of the above by just picking another car. But it would have been so much better if all these generic cars with the wrong setup would have just been left out or where easily identifiable from the menu. The final result of GT5 does not justify the 5 year delay and does not live up to our massive expectations.

What is left when you find and tune the cars they did do properly is a great race game and a worthy successor to the GT series. It will however take some time to discover this beauty between all the rubble the developers took 5 year to add.