Bad reviewers are repeating lines from websites that didn't play the game long enough, and haven't played it themselves!

User Rating: 10 | Gran Turismo 5 PS3
It seems obvious from reading many of these lower scored user reviews that many of them simply haven't played the game. They are repeating the same mistakes many early 'pro' reviews did but not even playing it themeselves which is worse!

The things cited on some of the 6/10 reviews here are obviously from people who've not actually played, they've taken minor criticisms from other reviews and then wrote and entire 'review' based on those nitpicking flaws.

Well I have a newsflash for you, the game is great. If you just PLAYED it you would realise that. The way the cars feel, the masses of options and longeviety of the game. You can really sink your teeth into it, it gives enough freedom from the start to feel in control but still forces enough requirements (like certain cars or ranking) to give it and addictive RPG-esque vibe.

I've seen complaints about loading times and menus. Don't make me laugh! I too was worried about those based on early (pre patch) reviews, once I got my hands on it was shocked by how quick the loading is! Seriously I've waited far long for loads in any number of games you care to mention (assuming you do the ONE off full install first which is a complete non issue and why anyone would rate it down for that is beyond me, it's helping the game be more fluid and people complain?)

It takes so long as it's not just putting on X GB to the HD it is 'unpacking' those files too, in to lots of tiny files/folders and this takes time. I doubt that after waiting this long for the game any true fan or anyone with an interest in the game will even care about a 30 minute install (that's how long it took and was ONE OFF!).

Menus are perfectly fine, they just don't 'look fancy' like a lot of games these days, games that have sexy menus but are actually a PITA to use. These menus are not that convoluted after an hours play, back button always takes you to 'exit' or back and it works in many ways better than the average game as it ensures you confirm actions rather than going through a nerfed menu with no power.

This game is complex that you will have to accept, considering this they have done wonders keeping the menus fairly streamlined and cohesive. Honestly once you are in GT mode (on click from the main screen) everything else is one click (like any other game) unless you want to swap a car in the garage, which takes about 20 seconds at most. again WHO CARES? the only people who keep mentioning this are obviously biased against GT or PS3 and haven't witnessed it themselves. It's factually incorrect to keep repeating such things as 'long load times' and 'poor menus' when they are at worst 'workable' and at best 'a good solution to a complex problem'

Now to the game. It has it's flaws, show me a game that doesn't. The thing is when you are actually racing, be it in a gorgeous premium car or a mere standard one (and I use bumper cam mostly so don't even care) the game just feels right. The weight of the steering (even with control pad) the feel of the rumble strips, the dynamics and the sense of speed when you get faster cars, it's all executed so well the driving itself becomes the main focus. UNLIKE many other games who's addiction to is short lived as they consist of flashy menus and 'cool gimmicks' but poor racing or physics or feel.

Any car racing fan who doesn't get a kick out of racing an F40 around Madrid and feel the real sense of speed and control can't be a racing fan.

As for damage, it's variable. It starts off as 'wtf?' sure, but keep playing. And again many patches on the way to make this even better.

I personally have played this glorious game in FULL 1080p 60fps! Show me a competing racer that can do that AND looks so gorgeous while doing it? There is none (and I've owned a 360 also and played lots of Forza 2 which was average in all respects, 3 'may' be better but it looks cartoony and feels loose compared to GT5). Anyway 3D works great on this game, 3D PHOTO mode is immense! I've had the rear wings and front ends of stuff like the Citreon Road Car poking 3 feet out of my screen in this mode, it adds a whole new experience to gaming and I can't help but think lots of people who don't have this ability on their console (due to lack of HDMI1.3+) are being a little unfair to this game and what it brings with 3D (If you have the gear for it, which I do and lots more do as time goes on!).

Head tracking I've not used, possibly a gimmick but fun to have.

Graphics are variable yes, and SOME of the standard cars look a bit rough but they still compare to many games out there. And lots of the standards actually look great, almost like premium. As for premium cars, of course NO game looks better with it's cars than this. And again it runs at 60fps 1080p with minimal tearing (I hate tearing and in each busy race it's so minimal that it doesn't annoy me anywhere like MotoGP etc used to on 360).

It's time gamers stopped being biased towards systems and putting down the immense talent and hard work put into real GAMERS GAMES like GT5, if you keep doing this we will all suffer no matter what systems we own, as the message will get out 'all consumers what dumbed down flashy menu games with short game life and instant gratification'... not a good message to send.

Put aside your bias and actually play this game, even if you have to play at a friends house or in-store but do not judge it on 5 minutes play!

Sometimes the graphics will astound you, the handling of night time and headlights in this game is far beyond anything I've ever seen. On replays numerous people have mistaken it for real racing footage. I've NEVER had that with any other game!

As for graphical downsides, well the funny thing is I too was worried from previws esp jaggy shadows and those low res artifacts in smoke around the cars, thought it looked terrible but wasn't a deal breaker. The funny thing is now I'm playing it's a complete non issue, on YOUR screen it doesn't stand out as being 'bad' it's just quite as gorgeous as the rest, and never annoys me. The way the lighting is done it moves smoothly and realistically so any jaggy shadows are lessened by they way they feel rather than look, you just don't focus on them (and really they are no worse than shadows I've seen in some other racers that never had the issue mentioned! it's the GT5 bias again!).

And tracks, some tracks are near works of art. They remind me of the prettier tracks in PGR3 on 360 which I loved, but have way more resolution and better lighting. Other tracks are more vanilla/basic, that's true but you get so used to focusing on the driving those tracks are again a non issue, and again no worse than any other number of racers.

All of this and more would be revealed to anyone who sat down and played without preconceptions or without being biased towards any console and gave it a day or two's play. By the third day you will be hooked I guarantee.

If not then this kind of game is just not for you, it's not the fault of this game!

My 360 has long gone BUT if this game appeared on 360 you bet I'd have gone out and bought a 360 again to play this game, as a gamer it's the only sane choice. I actually bought A second PS3 (slim this time of course) so my GF could do her gaming on the other one as I knew I'd spend hours on this and didn't want her left out ;)

And please before thinking this is some disguised attack on systems again remember this is a game for gamers, it's not perfect but to attack it or it's positive reviews is to send out the wrong message to developers, esp in light of some of the glowing reviews other instantly flashy but short lived games get. It's sad to see, esp as I've been gaming since 1982 and through all the various system wars never has it been as bad as now where people blindy rate down games just because they are on a system they irrationally 'hate'. Get both systems, they both have great exclusives! (Dead Rising 1 blows DR2 out of the water for example, PGRs I love, Gears I enjoy) and accept no game is perfect but you can see where developers have really put their hearts into it and GT5 is one such game, and through it's patches for online and content it's going to be around for a very long time. Get on board now while it's still new and become a GT5 legend!