A taste of things to come!
Now this massive demo focuses on the basics of the game. Buying cool cars, and racing them. Sure in the beginning, you can only buy the crappy cars, but once you have earned enough green you can go buy the super cars and whoop on some noobs that have the inferior vehicles.
One of things I found interesting about the game, is the AI is fairly aggressive. I had a few opponents that kept slamming into as I tried to pass them on the harder tracks, or ramming me in the back side as they caught up to me. Of course I'd return the favor by speeding up to them and slamming them into a wall, or hit their back end just right from an angle sending them off the track or into a wall. Good times indeed!
There are three different race classes for you to choose from. Obviously since the car you start out in sucks, you have to race in Class C. You don't have to complete all of the tracks, but it would be a good idea to do so, so you can get a better car to race in the more difficult classes. Plus races require you to have a certain car to race in.
You get all kinds of cool trophies like gold, silver, bronze, and some lame glass award if you don't finish in the top three. To beat the race, you have to be in the top 3. Otherwise, it stays incomplete and you get the crappy glass trophy and look like a complete douche bag.
Most of the time I found myself watching the replays tho. The game is soooooooo beautiful! At times it looked so real, and the animation of the driver of your car is just so well done you'd think you were actually in the car yourself(which you aren't, because its a game you're playing on your tv. If you really thought you were in the car, then I'd seek some psychiatric treatment asap).
Anyways, thats it for my review. I'm giving it an 8.0 simply because its an unfinished product with many of the GT series elements missing.
I'm SOOOO looking forward to the final product!!