Sony, it's 2022, it really is. We have 8k TVs now, capable of upscaling 1080p footage on 8k pretty well, on real time. This is the pinnacle of their tech for Ps5? They can't even reach 120hz on 1080p
If you opt for Ray tracing you go 20years back to 30fps, in a racing game, this is embarrassing. Why the reviews are hiding that?
The game must be in development for five years or more, prolly scheduled as a launch title, in the meantime many new and shiny cars appeared and yet we are left with half a decade old models...
Also freaking liar reviewers, why are they eluding the game breaking bugs related of the game being always on? You play long hard games, without any rewinds, you are perfect and yet the game sometimes freezes, cannot communicate with servers to register your advance and all is lost.
GS and the like normally axe games with similar crucial flaws, let's see how they ll rate this and if they will be sincere enough to report them?
This here is the reason Sony didn't let any early reviews, so ppl didn't know and cancel their pre-orders.