so pretty, you have to enjoy it
User Rating: 8.8 | Gran Turismo HD Concept PS3
when i first heard polyphony digital dropped GT: HD, i assumed it was a waste of time and something definitely not worth playing. once i downloaded the game, i saw nothing but that thought's antithesis. the game is freakin perfect (to it's stage of production of course). if this game is any indication of what GT5 will be and look like....we can all expect a freakin awesome game. i've never been too much into the GT-esque racing simulation genre. this game, however, changed my mind. once i started taking those ridiculously tight curves and speeding through those long roads, i realized....this game is a release for the desire in all of us to drive fast (all the while keeping us safe in our seats). in spite of the game's lack of an evisceral feel that games like burnout or need for speed may grant, the game's perfection and precision make it stand above all those fun but banal racers.
the ranking boards in this game are a nice addition to a skeleton of game. adding this scores of other players creates a strong feeling of connection to others despite the obvious lack of multiplayer.
the graphics are nuts. slick looking cars (especially in replays), great lookin environments. the game sounds good enough
why did they stop making this game?