Still, in my opinion, the best of the GTA series.

User Rating: 8 | Grand Theft Auto 2 PC
Old-school fun are the three words I use to describe GTA 2. Even though GS and the rest of the world may have rated GTA 2, they'll admit that they had some fun doing it. It doesn't last, it isn't immersive, but it's wicked fun just to be thrown out of the cop car and raise mayhem. Kill Frenzies were the heart of this game, and rightly so. What else were you going to do? Play the missions? *insert 5-minute long laugh here* You just wanted money, you wanted to kill people while getting money, get busted when the heat got too hot, and start over again. Even then, it was nothing graphically marveling, and it wasn't the best sounding game either. GTA2 is a classic that you pull out when you're bored and when you want a laugh out of rolling over SWAT vans in a tank. That's all you do, yuou jack cars, shoot people, and even though you will gorw bored of it, it's great to pull out in the middle of a Programming class. Especially when half the class has installed it. And laugh when you get the Kill Frenzy. Flaws aside, GTA2 was just pure fun made before your mom knew that video games had guns in them.