GTA on the DS, who would have thought it would be so good!!!!!
User Rating: 9.5 | Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars DS
I'm stating this review with the faults of the game cause it's quicker, 1:The aiming mechanics are just horrible, they can definetly get you wasted in an intense gun. Becasue of that thats why the "Cash and Burn" mission took some time to get by. Every now and then the camera view while driving will get blocked by buildings so instead of your car you'll be driving a faded arrow on top a rooftop. So lets see, pushing drugs alll over the city (selling and buying) the funning dialougue between you and other chinatown low lives, fun, easy and short little mini games used by the touch screen are great. Hot wiring cars, smashing locks and defusing bombs with the stylus are cool. Along with that your ds turns into treo when you are plotting destinations with gps, answering e-mail and purchasing ammo from the net, GTA Chinatown wars is definetly the best game for the DS now proably ever to date. If you don't own it yet, get it,, NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!