Grand Theft Auto Double Pack is what gamers have being waiting in a long time. An original idea that is.

User Rating: 9.3 | Grand Theft Auto Double Pack XBOX
The third game of the GTA series is not only the first of them to be called a “superb” game. But it is also a game that with its neat presentation and unique idea revolutionized the action-adventure genre.

As the game starts you see a splash screen looking how the unnamed character you use is betrayed by his girlfriend in a bank robbery. You are arrested by the cops but still managed to escape with another inmate by a lucky coincidence, and you are presented to the mafia to start your seek for revenge.

The first gorgeous spec of this game that you will notice is the system that it works with. Instead of having the simple level advancing that usual Action-Adventure game uses, this game create a whole city for us to play there. Liberty City is not really the size of New York, but you will not complain of the variety if building and entities in it.

Grand Theft Auto III graphics are impressive, even considering the size of the game’s city; you will see some incredible explosion effects, terrific textures, and stable frame rate. At times you will see some let downs. For instance: character design is not always good, trees and bushes are not 3d rendered. But overall this game will not disappoint graphically, even to the most hardcore gamers.

In what the game play matters GTA III is awesome. First, the game simulates real life: you can get in a car, steal a car, drive boats, assault NPC’s, and walk if you want. In other words: pretty much do what ever you want.

Second, this system combined by a superb gang fighting feeling, an excellent driving mechanic, brilliant shooting system, the super big city, makes one of the best atmospheres ever created on any game.

Third: The AI on the game is not good, but simply splendid. Cops will have a bounty on you, from 1 to 6, 1 being the smallest. This will vastly change your game play over time. Example: For a small robbery you just get chased now and then until you loose the cops stop caring about you. But kill a cop and check how they will be all over you, and guess what? You will not be able to get rid of them (you can grab cop star, this will cool thing down) But cops are not the only one with bounty on you, gangs too, so don’t mess up things with all gangs or you will see yourself in a real mess.

Sound is not so great. The 3d effects are not so good, and over time you can get bored. The outstanding spec in this department is the soundtrack. When you are in a car you can actually change the station on the radio and it really buys to me the feeling that I am driving a car. Sure, if you want you can put your custom soundtrack of your Xbox hard drive, but that will just make the game to loose its feeling.

The fourth game, Vice City, is much like GTA III except have everything better. Better graphics, worked out sound, more weapons, more vehicles, and improved fighting system. Overall is the same, but with different storyline and city…

In general this game is awesome, and will not disappoint any gamer, even if you have being playing for a while. And believe me, if there’s any reason why to buy an xbox or a ps2, is this game.