this is by far the best run around doing nothing and killing people on your way for inspiration.

User Rating: 9.2 | Grand Theft Auto Double Pack XBOX
well i have to admit that i never actuall bought this pack. infact i never really had any of the grand theft auto games accept fot 1 and 2. only i have played it at my friends house as much as someone would have if they bought the game them selves. this game we played none stop for month. usless running around, killing people, hijacking cars, and driving tanks and commachies is just the game for me. i love the games that have alot of kill with blood. that is also why i like ninja gaiden. i also loved how good the campaign was. wow that was fun, it almost reminds me of tomy montana in scarface. start with nothing and rise to the top of everything, and then your friends betray you and you have to fight for your life and your title as the ruler of your city. that is why i cant wait for scarface the game to come out.