well i played both separtely....but the double pack sound great for..how much? so gta fans support your rockstar corp.
User Rating: 8.2 | Grand Theft Auto Double Pack PS2
remembering all the controls arn't soo much trouble since all you do is press triangle to steal someones car and get them our of the vehicle....i think its funny that you can steal a cop car even though the cop is in the vehicle its self....just by going to the passenger side and slide on over...lol i think the missons are great and wish some of them didn't have ridiculous time frames which to finish the misson with.....i also think there should have been at least 10 more missions for the whole game (besides side missions) and also having to transport some guys to another location...why can't i have any backup!!!! ahhhh...ticks me off to know that some computer ai doesn't even try to kill enemies while on the run.