Great game (s) but still issues with performance.
What is bad however is the poor performance carried over from the original game. It can run fine then suddenly the fps plummets, kind of ruins the game, well for me anyway.
As a comparison, Just Cause 2 runs absolutely miles better and looks miles better too, sure the game itself is terrible when compared to this one, but my point is that its the coding thats at fault here. Even after numerous patches Rockstar have not managed to get the engine performing that well on the PC, I cant speak for the console versions as I have not played them, I imagine they arent any better though. It can be running just fine and then in certain areas of the map the fps just drops like a stone. I have been told the game uses 2 engines, and clearly its not worked out too well, just hope they develop something new for future GTA games.
I will however play it through as I am enjoying the game and its classic GTA humor right the way through.