one of the best of playstation2 and one of the greatest games of all time

User Rating: 9.9 | Grand Theft Auto III PS2
every one has heard of grand theft auto 3 if you havent you've been living in a box for 5 years it has been attacked from senators all the way to the latest being prostitutes and all this attention has made it become one of the best games ever. the story is you take on the role of a ganster who has been set up by his girl freindand has to work his way back up. this game is so good because it is so random when you dont want to do a mission you can just commit random acts of violence such as standing in one spot and spinning around wile firing you flame thrower or you can go and find hidden packages throuout the city. this is a must buy for any ps2 owner and if you dont own it already i suggest you buy it.