Definatly worth the cash

User Rating: 10 | Grand Theft Auto III PS2
GTA 3 is a huge technological leap compared the GTAs of the past.
Rockstar takes open world criminal masterpiece into a new dimension, the 3rd dimension!!!
Even if you can't seem to get through the missions, you can always entertain yourself for hours roaming the streets of Liberty City and get into trouble. Seeing how long you can out run the police is always fun! (Just don't try it in real life!)
The only complaint that is applicable is that if you fall into the water, you are dead. (Wasted.)
The sound track and voice acting definietly compliment this game, and it's always fun to flip through the radio stations while driving to find something on there to cruise to.
And beings this game is 5 years old, you can always find it in your favorite game store's bargain bin.
So if you missed it, you need to get it!!!