One of the most fun games I have ever played.

User Rating: 9.5 | Grand Theft Auto III PS2
This game is just pure fun. If you want to, you can follow the story line which is fantastic by the way, or you can run wild doing whatever you want. If you're bored a fun thing to do is see how long you can outrun the police. There's so much hidden stuff in this game to add to the fun and make it feel more special. Who can forget spawning a tank, then turning the turret around to propel it over the bridge to the next zone that you really haven't unlocked yet? The list goes on and on with things to do. The story is interesting with many plot twists and psychotic missions. At the same time, they start you out small to make you feel like you're really progressing through the crime world. The music is great, and the radio channels are hilarious. There is some good humor throughout the game. The only negatives are the graphics, which are forgivable considering the scope of the game, and the difficulty. The difficulty curve is a bit on the harsh side once you move on to the second island and join up with the Yakuza. Especially the missions titled "Grand Theft Auto" Those are nearly impossible at times, as ironic as that sounds. Simply a great game, if you haven't checked it out yet, you should.