Great game but slightly disappointing

User Rating: 9 | Grand Theft Auto IV X360
Its a great game probably one of the best I've ever played imo but there are those little things that make it great and all at once not. For one, friends in the game get annoying no really, in the middle of a rampage down a sidewalk in my favorite car a friend calls to go bowling.....Great life is hard enough without worrying about your virtual friends lol many times you'll want to say no but later it could come to get you as you try to befriend them just for there help(ranging from on the phone first aid to phone bombs).It is a great game and everything is balanced to some extent but after beating the game its hard to go back personally...I have a friend who has beaten the heck out of it but still manages to play it every now and then but I can't do that at all....All I'm saying for me was fun ride definately worth it but for me it got boring afterwards and multiplayer suddenly wasn't so fun anymore and about multiplayer it is excellent but with the release of the new content i'll probably be coming back GTAIV many many times