Get Grand Theft Auto IV whenever you can

User Rating: 9.5 | Grand Theft Auto IV X360
To start off the game submerges you in movie like scenes so that you can get dragged deep into the story . You sometimes begin to feel like you are really a part of it. The game takes advantage of the setting and just makes describing it awesome an understatement. The voice acting is great not only because of the acting but also the script material itself. The sound is amazing because it correlates well with your surrounding radius. The game has an extremely well detailed environment. This in combination with the characters of the city itself make the game feel almost alive.
Another thing great about Grand Theft Auto IV is the game play. They did a great job with the third person aspect of the combat. You have an option in the pause screen for free aim or auto aim. This option can leave those unhappy with the targeting of the previous GTA more satisfied. The downside is there is a limited amount of weapons in the game. But this won't bother you too much when you first get your hands on an rpg. The last downside to the game is the visible pop up of cars, traffic, pedestrians, and things on the sides of roads. I can truly say that this game is a masterpiece.