Too good to pass up

User Rating: 8.5 | Grand Theft Auto IV PS3
Grand Theft Auto IV re visits Liberty City, the same corrupt city that you roam around in Grand Theft Auto III. You play as Niko Bellic, an immigrant hoping for a new life in America with his rich cousin Roman. After arriving in America Niko soon finds out that his cousin is really a poor man living in a dump apartment with his own share of big problems.
Aside from finding out that Roman's promises are all lies it goes pretty good at first. That is until you find out that Roman owes a lot of money to a lot of bad men, and of course running your cousin around the city turns into taking care of his problems. Your first problem in the land of opportunity is paying of your cousin's debts, requiring you to do another man's dirty work. This eventually involves you killing a man, something Niko vowed never to do in America. One thing leads to another and you find yourself killing Roman's problem and landing yourself into a world of crime.
Liberty city is possibly the largest city of all the games. It also throws a lot at you allowing you to experience more than just the story line. If you find your self tired of working then why not take a helicopter tour around the city or go on a mindless killing spree? Or you can just drive around the city in a shiny sports car.
Speaking of cars the game's realism has been greatly improved. For example there is no more zipping around corners, if you don't break you'll find out soon enough what hitting a brick wall is like. To add to the fun you'll find a lot more cars this time around including a brand new Corvette, I mean Coquette. But along with adding vehicles they have also taken them.
Hopefully you haven't gotten too used to taking to the skies in a jumbo jet or flying around in your very own jet pack because you won't find them anymore. Although helicopters do make an appearance even though there aren't many. You will still find a selection of boats to zoom around in.
Among some of the city's pastimes you'll find bowling, darts, racing, dating, and other things to keep you busy between the missions. The game also takes away a lot of what was loved in San Andreas. Don't expect to be sky diving or pimping your cars, or going to car shows. You can still store your cars in front of your numerous apartments but it really serves no purpose seeing as you can easily find the cars on the streets and there is no reason to keep a car since you can't so anything to it.
You have a wide selection of cars to choose from and you can take anything you see. Locked cars no longer limit you from taking them for a joy ride. You can simply break the window, hot wire it and it's yours. And if you don't like broken windows it's something you'll have to get used to because people in Liberty City don't believe in opening and closing them.
Now of course we can't forget about weapons. You only get basic weapons so no flame-throwers or chain guns. To be specific you have your choice of a knife, baseball bat, two pistols, two SMGs, two assault rifles, two sniper rifles, and molotovs or grenades. Shooting from cars has also been re done.
Since the camera doesn't work like it did in previous titles neither does shooting. The in-vehicle camera works by moving the right analog stick just like on foot. Allowing you to shoot anywhere you want while in a car, in front, beside, behind, anywhere. And you're not limited to a SMG, for the first time you can actually throw grenade out your window and blow up other drivers.
Of course I can't skip the multiplayer. When I first heard of it I couldn't stop thinking of how dumb it had to be, but I was wrong. Just like how you can do anything in single player you can do anything in multiplayer including racing, death match, co-op missions, organized crimes, or just running around the city with a friend and blowing people up.
The game is huge and if you get it you ill have hours and hours of fun. It's definitely a buy. Don't let your self miss out on a great game. Sadly that's it, time for the final verdict.

Goods- Huge city to enjoy, tons of missions, tons of pastimes, great cast, and the best story line yet.

Bads- Some minor glitches, sometimes gun fights can be tricky with the cover system, and lastly, though it's a great game it's really just a watered down version of San Andreas