What does the American dream mean today?

User Rating: 10 | Grand Theft Auto IV PS3
What does the American dream mean today?
For Niko Bellic fresh off the boat from Europe, it is the hope he can escape from his past. For his cousin, Roman, it is the vision that together they can find fortune in Liberty City, gateway to the land of opportunity. As they slip into debt and get dragged into a criminal underworld by a series of shysters, thieves and sociopaths, they discover that the reality is very different from the dream in a city that money and status, and is heaven for those who have them and a living nightmare for those who don't.

You are Niko Bellic, a former Russian military man, who comes to Liberty City for his cousin Roman, and in hope to find the man that betrayed him back in Russia.
But all isn't as easy as it seems, as you soon find out that your cousin is in serious debt to some very powerful people, which of course Roman forgot to mention.
Niko and his "slightly" overweight cousin must do all they can to pay off he debts, even if that means getting their hands dirty along the way.

One of the first things you will notice is how huge Liberty City really is, but it isn't just the size and looks of GTA IV that make it a masterful game, it is the incredible amount of detail, and heart-stopping gameplay.

The attention to detail that is in GTA IV is phenomenal, and no game has ever had this much detail in it, Liberty City truly feels alive and breathing, and is a sight to behold. Countless times I have noticed small things such as one time I was driving by a police officer who has pulled over a car, the cop opened the bonnet, the slowly walked up to the window with is gun aiming at the driver, only to be run over by another speeding car that was being chased. It is these little things that help make GTA IV such a truly incredible game.

Grand Theft Auto titles in the past have always been average shooters, average racers etc. But all those things put together made a fantastic sandbox game, and all had nice extras. But in GTA IV everything has been improved dramatically. The new cover system helps create epic shootouts be it with Police, gangsters or even some random pedestrians, where as in previous versions you were able to run through each level, picking off enemies as you saw fit. The driving system has also improved, and now it actually requires some skill to be able to drive successfully, or you may find yourself flying out through the windshield. The enemy AI is vastly improved, with enemies taking advantage of the new cover system as well, which again, helps create intense shootouts.
The wanted level system is also improved, with instead of you just having to go to Pay 'n' Spray, you have to get out of a circle on the map without being seen by the cops, the higher wanted level you obtain, the bigger the circle becomes. Pay 'n' Spray still exists, but it only helps you lose your wanted level if there are no cops around your position.

GTA IV looks absolutely stunning, especially if you go for a helicopter ride during the night. You may occasionally notice a small frame rate problem, which can occur where there is a lot going on. You may also notice a bit of the blur effect during some cut-scenes, but this is just so the game can run smoothly without anything holding it back. But those things will not decrease the fun on GTA IV in any way. Grand Theft Auto IV also has the best water effects I have ever seen, with rain being heaver in some parts, while lighter in others. One thing that impressed me a lot was that there are next to no load times except when you turn it on each time and a short loading time before each mission. But other than that, you are free to roam the city with absolutely no load times to speak of.

Now time to move onto Multiplayer. You have your classic modes such as Deathmatch and Team Deathmatch, but Rockstar have added some interesting and fun new modes for you and your friends to enjoy.
The different modes go from Cops 'n' Crooks, where there are two teams, the cops and the crooks (hence the title), and the aim of the game is for the crooks to escape while the cops have to try and catch the crooks at any means necessary, to modes like Free Roam where you ad your friends (assuming you have any) can just cruise the city and do whatever you want to do. But I will try and not reveal too much. Up to 16 players over the whole of Liberty City is a true technical feat, one that no other game has come close to.

The songs are meant to be well known in America, but if you are an Aussie, you may have a hard time finding a song that you have actually heard.

Pedestrians no longer have random conversations, they still talk to each other, but now the conversations actually make sense.

The pedestrians are also a lot smarter now; when it rains they pull out their umbrellas, or run for cover if they don't have one. Every pedestrian is doing something, be it reading a newspaper, drinking a coffee, or talking to someone over the mobile, which is very impressive.
It is like they are all going about their day as usual, and their plans only change if Niko starts shooting or driving recklessly.

Never has a game had so much detail, never has a game has so many things to do in it, and never has a game felt so alive as Grand Theft Auto IV does. Grand Theft Auto IV is the game to have in 2008, and possibly even this generation. Grand Theft Auto IV is the only true next-gen game, with it pushing all the limits, and breaking new boundaries. Overall Grand Theft Auto IV is a game that everyone should play at least once, it has lived up to expectations and more, which isn't an easy thing to accomplish. And I haven't mentioned everything, like the new in-game Internet, which can keep you entertained for hours on end and much more, but to go into everything would take far too long. Grand Theft Auto IV so far is looking like it will easily be the game of the year in 2008, and I highly recommend you play it.

Presentation: 10

Graphics: 9.8

Sound: 10

Gameplay: 9.7

Multiplayer: 9.0

Lasting Appeal: 10

Overall: 9.9[