GTA 4 is a brilliant next gen game, but following a more story oriented style its not as fun as San Andreas

User Rating: 8.5 | Grand Theft Auto IV X360
Grand Theft Auto makes a great appearance on next generation console with GTA4. The game is great from the offest with amazing visuals, voice acting and very well written. The charcters each have a individual and likable personality, even if their inclusion appears to be just for commical purposes. GTA4 is more story driven that its predescesors. The main character Roman Bellic has a strong past and his direction through the game is very clear. Every action he makes is towards a specific goal. His character is tormented by his past and this makes playing as him enjoyable. The game is well scripted and realistic which all adds to the overall feeling of the game. The area to explore in the game is much smaller than San Andreas. San Andreas was the size of an American state whereas Liberty city is only a city. However San Andreas featured large areas of baron wasteland with not to do in them. Liberty City has been built from the ground up to ensure all area is used well and is invloved in the missions or side missions in some way.

The only problem I find with the game is that because it is so story driven that it is not as much fun as its predescesor San Andreas. The missions in GTA4 do not have much variance and usual just require either killing an individual/individuals, chasing an individual before doing the latter or escpaing cops with an item. San Andreas had so much more variance. Individuals who have played San Andreas will remember missions where they had to scare a character into confessing information by drving your car extremely fast into opposing traffic with them tied to the hood, or drving your car close to the back of a fire engine to catch an character dangling from the back of the fire engine. San Andreas featuted a variety of missions which made the game a more fun experience for the player.

If its a well paced, well written story driven adventure you are looking for them GTA4 is what you're after. If you just want to have a fun time completing similar missions and doing similar stuff I suggest Saints Row or when it comes out Saints Row 2.