Grand Theft Auto is a series that changed gaming forever. GTA IV is doing the same.

User Rating: 10 | Grand Theft Auto IV X360
Being a big Grand Theft Auto fan, I couldn't wait to get my hands on the newest, greatest installment, GTA IV. I was dissapointed when it was delayed from it's initial October release in 2007, but I knew those masterminds at Rockstar were holding off for a reason. A good reason.
When I set hands on my controller to start the very first mission, the first thing I noticed was the graphics. The gleam on the water and the blur of motion is stunning. I was also asking myself just who this Niko Belic character was. What he wanted or thought he wanted. It's moments like these that make a game shape the gaming industry in to one of the greatest. How many times has a game featured a storyline where you could understand the emotion of the main character? Where you could feel as though you actually knew them? Not many.

Over 100 missions and several months later, I found out who Niko was. He was shaped not by Rockstar or by a predetermined story line. He was shaped by us, the players. The game features many "choice" moments that transform Niko into a regretful and quiet man or a blood hungry revengful killer.

The game play is incredible, the physics engine is superb, the animations are fluid. It is hard to find a flaw in GTA IV.
Having finished GTA IV, I remembered back to when Rockstar delayed the game in October. They knew what they were doing. Trust me.