I always loved the GTA games because The city and all the cars with total people in each region. Rated M for a reason.
User Rating: 8 | Grand Theft Auto IV PS3
Ima say again this game is fun on a weekend afternoon with plenty of time to play and acually pass some missions. I remember before going to church I would play this game. Hope that doesnt caught up to me Joking. The game is awesome because you can really go anywhere around the city and enjoy the senses that the game makers form for you to play on. The radio is always jammin on the GTA games. The sports cars are always fast and accurate. From the missions and the guns and ammo you can buy are very nice to use. The beach is always pretty and awesome It kind of remind of the beach I grew up by. The women in the beach are wonderful looking and always kind unless you stink. Dont the spinning wheels that nobody really looks at. Its very realistic from the flat tire to the food that you can eat between mission or even on a mission. When you get into to much trouble then you visit the police office, but dont worry because you get out of jail within 5 minutes. Even though you lost a lot of money you should be happy that you get out of jail. Your girlfriend you can attack her or take her out to dinner for awhile then go back and enjoy the day with her.